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Read the text carefully and underline any word or structure that is unkown to you. Then, look it up in the dictionary. Should you have any problems, we will work on this in class.
1. All kinds of things. vacuum clearners, old doors, windows, records, newspapers, children's toys.
2. There's a bit of Mr.Trebus in all of us. The writer also collects things that are no longer useful
3. Mr. Trebus: that they were useful. The writer: the instructions and guarantees in case things break down, coins because they might be useful.
4. Your own opinion.
1. His house became a health hazard.
2. He was a veteran of the Second World War.
3. He was a tank commander.
4. The trauma of what he lost when he left Poland caused his obsession.
5. He settled in Britain after the war.
6. He sorted the junk into piles of similar things.
7 He acquired every record Elvis Presley had ever made.
8. The neighbours complained about infestations of rats.
9. He resisted eviction.
- al; -ise; -less; -y; -ious are adjectival suffixes. Can you think of adjectives ending in these suffixes? I'm sure you can.
1. Obsession
2. Eviction
3. Caution
4. Fear
5. Intentions
6. Optimism
7. Meanness
8. Pessimism