martes, 14 de octubre de 2008

Present and Past States (AV1)

1. The coffee ¬¬______________ (taste) bitter.
2. Ring his home number. He ______________ (be) at home now. (I’m sure he’s at home)
3. Tom ______________ (always go) away for weekends and he hardly ever sees his parents.
4. How much ______________ (I owe) you?
5. It’s no use asking Tom; he ______________ (not know).
6. The director ______________ (see) the applicants this morning.
7. ______________ (Bill be) at the club now, do you think?
8. ______________ (it smell) sour?
9. I ______________ (always make) that mistake!
10. A: I can’t find Jude’s new address. B: Ask Tom; he ______________ (know) it.
11. Let’s not go shopping now. The shops ______________ (be) very crowded.
1. The coffee tastes bitter.
2. Ring his home number. He’ll be at home now. (I’m sure he’s at home)
3. Tom is always going away for weekends and he hardly ever sees his parents.
4. How much do I owe you?
5. It’s no use asking Tom; he won’t know.
6. The director is seeing the applicants this morning.
7. Will Bill be at the club now, do you think?
8. Does it smell sour?
9. I’m always making that mistake!
10. A: I can’t find Jude’s new address. B: Ask Tom; he’ll know it.
11. Let’s not go shopping now. The shops will be very crowded.
1. I used to smoke cigarettes.
2. He used to drink beer.
3. Every time she _____________ (come) home she _____________ (sit) on the couch, drink a cup of tea and talk about her illness.
4. _____________ (you live) abroad?
5. Tom and Ann _____________ (be) a young married couple. Every morning Tom _____________ (kiss) Ann and set off for work. Ann _____________ (stand) at the window and wave goodbye. In the evening she _____________ (welcome) him home and ask him to tell her about his day.

1. He used to smoke cigarettes. (WOULD)
2. He used to drink beer. (WOULD)
3. Every time she came home she would sit on the couch, drink a cup of tea and talk about her illness. (USED TO)
4. Did you use to live abroad?
5. Tom and Ann were a young married couple. Every morning Tom used to kiss Ann and set off for work. Ann used to stand at the window and wave goodbye. In the evening she used to welcome him home and ask him to tell her about his day. (WOULD)

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