jueves, 24 de enero de 2013


Here's the video we started watching in class.

Watch it and take notes of any expression and vocabulary that can be useful for you.

Also, try to do this gap-fill activity (first four minutes):

1. I'm on Murcia's __________.
2. With large ______________ planned for the area and house prices at the lowest they've been in a decade, this part of Spain is ____________ to be one of the best places to pick up a property _________.
3. I've spent the last 10 years ____________ the globe looking for the best houses in the market.
4. Over the past few years ____________ holidays in Spain has been the perfect time to relax.
5. The number of Brits has ___________.
6. This area has been protected from _________________ by strict planning laws ___________ its character and natural beauty.
7. Murcia __________ Europe's biggest salt water lake, the Mar Menor. It's separated from the Mediterranean by a __________ of land.
8. European money has been ___________ into the Region.
9. Prices  have __________ 35 % here since the boom.
10. You are gonna __________ with that budget.

1. coastline
2. investment ... tipped ... bargain
3. trekking
4. laidback
5. doubled
6. overdevelopment ... preserving
7. boasts ... strip
8. poured
9. dropped
10. struggle

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